TITOLO – A comparative analysis of four different models of aspirating luminous traps for flying insects
Aim: To examine and compare the efficiency and the capturing selectivity of some types of aspirating luminous traps for flying insects present on the market.
Methods: Four models of traps were examined (Insectivoro, Mosquito Trap, Kyoto/wood and Kyoto) all of which had lamps serving as lures but with different forms, power and emission spectrums (although the latter have in common a wave length peak of about 352nm) and which all have an aspirating fan to catch the insects. One of the traps analyzed, the Mosquito Trap, is definitely different from the others since, besides being equipped with a new luring system based on emissions of Octenol, presents a source of heat, four LED buttons (red, blue, green and white) and a low power lamp mounted internally to the black plastic structure. Among other things, the aspirating fan is positioned perpendicularly to the plane of light propagation. Instead, the other traps tested (Insectivoro, Kyoto/wood and Kyoto) take advantage of the full power of the lamps which, for this reason, are positioned externally to the structure and they mount aspirating fans whose field of action is concentrated immediately behind the luminous source, extending into the external space near the entrance. The strategy of analysis adopted consisted in programmed rotation of the luminous traps set out in four different territorial typologies (vegetable gardens and barns, agricultural fields, meadows and private gardens), all characterized by the presence of numerous varieties of insects and, therefore, adapted to the type of investigation carried out. The insects were counted and evaluated to the level of the family. The experimentation was carried out in the periphery of the town of Crespellano …
A comparative analysis of four different models of aspirating luminous traps for flying insects